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ARCHIVED - Council Parks & Gardens contract including Camposol approved but another snag appears
The contract totalling over 5 million euros is awarded after nearly a year in the tendering process but still has another hurdle to overcome
The 5.6-million-euro service contract which covers the whole of the municipality of Mazarrón and includes public areas in the Camposol urbanisation was put out to tender in December 2021, but a series of technical and legal difficulties have delayed the tendering procedure.
It was even suspended at one point, but at a Council contracting meeting in November a tender was finally approved from around a dozen put forward by various companies. The contract will start the day after it is signed, yet this is not as straightforward as it may sound as the Mazarrón PP political party have called for an Extraordinary Council Pleno meeting to put forward a proposal to revoke the contract on technical grounds.
In the contract put out to tender, Mazarrón Council has expanded the green areas in Camposol to be included. The contract titled “Contratación del Servicio de limpieza, conservación y mantenimiento de zonas verdes públicas y arbolado urbano” (Contract for the Cleaning, Conservation and Maintenance Service of public green areas and urban trees) is a 4-year deal for the whole of the municipality of Mazarrón with an estimated value of 4.7 million euros (5.6 million after tax), and the possibility of a 1-year extension.
The areas in the Camposol development that are included in the new contract are:-
Central reservations and roundabouts in Avenida de los Covachos, Sectors B,C & D
Central reservation in Avenida del Saladillo, Sector A
Zona Verde in Calle Badajoz, Sector A, People's Park
Zona Verde in Calles Alicante and Huelva, Sector A, Memorial Park
Zona Verde in Calle Barcelona, Sector A, Central Park
Zona Verde in Calle Andalucía, Sector A, Zona Verde
Zona Verde in C/ Santiago y C/ La Coruña, Sector A
Zona Verde and roundabouts in Calle Madrid, Sector A
Zona Verde and roundabouts in Calle Jara, Sector B
Garden environment Social Centre in Calle Jara, Sector B
Roundabouts in Calle Ciclamen, Sector B
Roundabout in Calle Castillo de San Juan, Sector C
Roundabouts in Calle Alobe, Sector C
Roundabouts in Calle Sobrija, Sector D
Roundabout in Calle Nogales, Sector D
Traffic island in Calle Fresnos, Sector D
Roundabout in Calle Tejos, Sector D
Roundabout in Calle Violetas, Sector D
The maintenance schedule for all of the Camposol areas are classed as type C and E, which are
Low maintenance spaces, naturalised spaces, large esplanades in outskirts. Areas with trees and shrubs but without meadow grass or flowering plants. Spaces that may contain street furniture and some children's play areas and/or scattered plants. The minimum frequency of maintenance will be 3 times a year.
Annual maintenance of existing palm trees in public areas of the Mazarron municipality.
This annual maintenance involves at least 4 treatments against the plague of red palm weevil, 3 pruning and 4 safety checks on palm trees that, due to their characteristics, it is advisible to carry out and those dictated by the DTM (Municipal Technical Directorate).
Council workers have previously attended to a limited number of green areas and cut back overhanging vegetation earlier this year.
The date for the extraordinary Pleno meeting is November 29, after which a conclusion to the saga may be in sight.
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