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Camposol affected as Mazarron enforces rubbish management clean-up campaign
After a period of "civic spirit and citizen awareness" fines will be imposed for individuals who flaunt recycling and rubbish disposal bylaws
In the general municipal clean-up campaign recently announced by Mazarrón Council, which includes keeping beaches clean and clearing up dog faeces, another target is the use or misuse of recycling and rubbish disposal containers. This has been highlighted many times in the local press and social media with images of waste strewn around rubbish and recycling containers but not in them.
Incorrect use of the designated containers and the dumping of building rubble has also been identified as a problem, a situation which has previously prompted action by groups on the Camposol development.
Recycling and rubbish containers are colour coded in order to separate contents and increase recycling as follows:
Blue-lidded container - paper and cardboard. Paper, cardboard, newspapers, magazines and books, as well as paper and cardboard packaging and packaging waste.
Yellow-lidded container - light packaging. Includes all containers made of plastic or metallic materials, such as plastic bottles or carafes for mineral water and soft drinks, plastic containers for cleaning products, beverage cans or preserves, (Tetra)brik liquid cartons or others likely to reach the final consumer.
Light green, domed igloo container - glass. Glass bottles and containers (Not porcelain or crockery).
Green skips – Vegetation and garden waste. Tree and plant prunings only (not garden furniture, ornaments etc). Waste should not be deposited in plastic bags, these should be emptied into the skip.
Dark green containers - other. Other domestic waste that is not subject to selective collection operations, such as food remains, toys, ceramics or the like.
For larger items of domestic waste like furniture, appliances etc, Bahía de Mazarrón has a collection service that can be used by calling the number 968 333294 or registering items for collection on the Linea Verde online portal.
Building rubble and masonry domestic amounts up 100kg per day should be taken to the Ecoparque, for disposal of amount over the weight limit contact 968 333294.
The Mazarrón Council campaign is accompanied by a poster that will be erected in appropriate postions and posted on Social media a translation of the message is:
You know the theory. Now put it into practice!
Deposit the garbage in the corresponding place. Avoid penalties and fines for leaving it on public roads and / or outside the container.
The campaign's focus is to highlight and enforce the 2006 street cleaning and waste management bylaws, infractions of which are divided into 3 catagories, Minor, Serious and Very Serious as follows:
1. Minor infractions (Fines from 30 to 500 euros):
a) Throwing waste such as paper, cigarettes or similar, or spitting on public roads.
b) The lack of cleanliness of the public highway in cases of private use of the same, as well as the lack of the required rubbish containers.
c) The lack of cleanliness of the common areas of private buildings, as well as not keeping in the adequate conditions exposed decoration on various parts of the buildings that are visible from public roads. Carelessness in garden care, plant alignments or green areas that involve the invasion into public roads by branches or trunks.
d) The discharge of water coming from the condensation from refrigeration equipment (Air conditioning etc).
e) Ripping, soiling or tearing off posters or advertisements placed in authorised places or locations, throwing them onto the public highway.
f) In relation to recycling and rubbish containers, change their location; the lack of care for them; depositing rubbish without the corresponding protective bag.
g) Deposit garbage outside the established hours. (Not currently applied on Camposol).
h) Washing vehicles on public roads.
i) Not depositing residential urban waste separately in the correct corresponding collection containers.
j) Any other violation of what is established in these bylaws or in the stipulations contained in the municipal authorisations that have been granted, when it is not classified as serious or very serious.
k) The commission of any of the offenses classified as serious, when due to their small quantity or type, do not deserve such consideration.
2. Serious infractions (Fines from 501 to 6,000 euros):
a) Committing a second minor offence within a period of one year, which will be penalised as serious.
b) Pouring oil or other liquids from vehicles on public roads or in unauthorised places.
c) Failure to perform proper cleaning operations after loading or unloading vehicles.
d) Failure to remove, within the established period, the rubble containers (skips and bags) from work sites. Container placement when not requred, placing them in breach of that established in the Municipal Ordinances or using containers without the corresponding identification number
e) Leaving uncleaned, at the end of the working day, an area of public thoroughfare affected by any type of construction site.
f) Placing posters in unauthorised places.
g) Not using standardised containers when depositing household waste for collection.
h) Improper use or damage of standard waste collection containers.
i) Abandoning commercial packaging, furniture or belongings on public road or spaces.
j) Abandoning vehicles on public roads.
k) Abandoning carcasses of animals or their remains on land designated as public domain.
I) Carrying out propaganda through the distribution or posting of posters and leaflets without due authorisation.
m) Inability to provide an urban waste registration book when required.
n) Not cleaning areas used by cafes, bars, kiosks and authorised stalls.
o) Obstructing or impeding the inspection work of the administration.
p) The lack of cleaning of land or plots or not proceeding with their rat extermination every six months.
3. Very serious infractions (Fines from 6,001 a 12,000 euros):
a) Committing a second serious offence within a period of one year, which will be sanctioned as very serious.
b) Carrying out waste collection, transport or management tasks thereof without proper authorisation, or deliver them to unauthorised persons.
c) Transporting earth or rubble without being registered in the corresponding Municipal Registry or lacking proper authorisation.
d) Depositing non-residential urban waste in unauthorised places.
e) Failure to properly carry out the collection, transport and treatment of waste called "other waste".
f) Withholding information from Mazarrón Council on the origin, quantity and characteristics of the waste that can cause disruption in transport or treatment, as well as providing false data or impeding or hindering the inspection work.
In cases of the violation of Very serious and some cases of Serious infractions, in addition to a monetary fine, a sanction consisting of the temporary closure of establishments or facilities, or, where appropriate, suspension of the operating licence for a period of 3 to 6 months may be imposed.
A new service has been introduced by Mazarrón Council called “Mazarrón Sostenible” aimed at sustainablility, recycling and keeping the municipality clean with campaigns including the rubbish depositing problem. The service will provide information and invites reports which can be made by phone on 968 333294 or email limpieza@mazarron.es a new website is also being set up where information and incident reporting can be lodged.
For more local news, events and other information go to the home page of Camposol Today.