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Mazarron Council move forward with Camposol completion plan and approve change of management system
The Mazarrón Council governing board approve a proposal to change the management system aimed at finally completing the Camposol urbanisation
In the wake of new information being published regarding the change of management for the completion of the Camposol urbanisation, on Friday February 9 the Camposol Business Association met with Mazarrón Mayor, Ginés Campillo, the Councillor for Town Planning, Gaspar Miras, and the Councillor for Camposol, Carmen Navarro. The Council representatives stressed that the Council want to push forward with plans to complete the urbanisation and that this was the next crucial step, more information will be published as it becomes available.
According to information published, on January 19 The Mazarrón Council’s governing board took the important step of approving the proposal to change the management system aimed at completing the Camposol urbanisation. This proposal will in turn be posted on the Council’s website and published in the Murcia official regional bulletin (BORM) for a period of one month. Notifications will also be sent to the homeowners and titleholders who appear in the Cadastral list (land registry) and, where available, in the Mazarrón Property Registry, and notifications will also contain a declaration of receipt to be signed by the property owner and returned to Mazarrón Council along with any suggestions.
Once the public information is concluded, the town council go through the process of agreeing on the final approval, indicating the changes with respect to what was initially approved, and will notify the owners and titleholders who have submitted suggestions. This will also be published in the Official Bulletin of the Region (BORM).
The change of management system is broadly in line with that which was published on the Town Hall website in February 2023 and presented and explained at an open meeting held on February 8 2023 and a meeting with Camposol associations and groups on March 9, 2023. The change proposed is from the compensation system to the cooperation system.
The compensation system was the original management system planned when the developer Justo y Manoli SL (Grupo MASA) submitted the initial planning (Plan Parcial) for the urbanisation’s public infrastructure. This system is common in urban planning and in return for the Council’s approval of planning permission for commercial and residential properties, the developer committed to compensate the council by constructing and installing all the public infrastructure (public roads, water supply, sanitation system, street lighting etc).
However, developer Justo y Manoli SL did not complete the urbanisation and abandoned the site in 2009, leading to Mazarrón Council dismissing the company as developer in 2011 (a course of action also recommended by the Spanish ombudsman) in order to instigate the procedure of seizing the bank guarantees.
The change of management to the cooperation system would entail Mazarrón Council taking on the role of urbanisation developer and start to plan the works required to complete all sectors of the development. Since the meetings in early 2023 previously mentioned, the council has commissioned 2 legal reports, also a report from the municipal technical architect and a report by the council’s Head of the technical services, plus 2 reports, one covering Sector A and one covering Sectors B,C,D and F by Juritemur S.L. a Technical legal consultancy located in Murcia.
In the reports by Juritemur S.L., the estimated completion cost is forecast at a total €15,844,489 for sector BCDF and €948.758 for sector A. These estimates are calculated on existing and historical reports and although some items may seem to be under-estimated others are overvalued. The completion costs will be financed from 3 sources:
a) The amounts received from the seizure of bank guarantees (nearly 3 million euros).
b) Urbanisation fees levied on future construction: Camposol has many undeveloped plots and polígonos that are designated for residential property, and further revenue could be raised by making Licences of first occupation available for those properties which do not possess one.
c) General budget items included in the annual budgets of the Mazarrón Town Council, which finance general works in area A 05-07 (El Saladillo – Camposol)
The report also establishes a deadline for the execution of all actions of 12 years counting from the final approval of the Action Program. This represents an annual investment of €1,320,374.08 in the case of Sectors B,C,D,F.
For the first three years, planned work would be largely financed by the funds already secured by the Town Council in the bank guarantees.
The report goes on to state that each year Mazarrón Town Council will prepare a financial technical document, where the urbanisation works that are to be executed in the area will be prioritised and specified including the necessary financial cost.
In essence, the reports affirm that changing the management system is the only viable course of action available which complies with Murcia regional urban planning laws.
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