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Camposol medical centre
Camposol consultorio opening times and telephone number
This is a doctor's surgery for residents registered with the Spanish health system.
There are generally 2 doctors and 2 nurses covering during opening hours.
For 24-hour emergency cover, it is necessary to go into Mazarrón and go to the Centro de Salud, Mazarrón in Avenida de la Constitución. Click Centro de Salud Mazarrón for map and details, visiting non residents with EHIC or GHIC Cards should attend the Centro de Salud in Puerto de Mazarrón situated on Calle Sierra del Carche.
In case of medical emergencies call 112
Call 112 making sure to give the telephone number and address clearly at the beginning of the call.
Repeat prescription requests are processed between 9.30am and midday or by phone (some Spanish may be required) on 968 131695, have your NIE/DNI/TIE or CARM number to hand and the name of the relevant medication.
To find a 24-hour pharmacy click 24 hour pharmacies Region of Murcia.
Blood tests are carried out via prior appointment.
Monday to Thursday 8am to 2pm
Fridays 9.30am to 2pm
Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm
Telephone Number 968 131695.
To book an appointment
The receptionist does speak some English for booking appointments, but it is advisable to take a translator if unsure.
Alternatively and probably easier, appointments for a doctor, nurse, mid-wife can be booked online using the Murcia Salud website on this link Murcia Salud in English (ENG) or Spanish (ESP) the language can be changed by clicking ENG or ESP in the top right hand corner of the page.
Enter your CARM number (shown on your health card) in first box and date of birth in second box.
The next screen will give options for booking an appointment with a doctor (médica), nurse (enfermería) or mid-wife (matrona).
The next screen will show you the first available date, either choose this by clicking Confirm, or click on Change Appointment to see further available dates. You can also give your email address to receive an email reminder of the date.
Address: Calle Jeréz de la Frontera 1, 30875 Camposol, Mazarrón
Residents are entitled to free medical care providing they are registered with the Spanish health system, Camposol comes under the "Servicio Murciano de Salud" regional health authority.
Residents not registered on the Spanish health care system will need private healthcare provision.
Visitors will receive free medical treatment PROVIDING they have an EHIC or GHIC card, which is a European wide health insurance card issued free to UK citizens.
Make sure you and your visitors have an up to date card before coming to Spain as should they require emergency medical treatment could find themselves with a very hefty bill if they do not have a card or travel insurance.
The receptionist at this consultorio has frequent altercations with visitors who do not have a card and do not wish to pay to see a doctor, but without a card, you have to pay!
In response to the COVID situation a dedicated isolation entrance and room has been constructed on the left (south) side of the building.
To read more information about the whole question of medical treatment in Spain, particularly if you have taken early retirement and are not yet registered within the Spanish system, and also information about obtaining medical cover or EHIC/GHIC cards, read Medical cover in Spain.
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