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ARCHIVED - 46 million euros to repair gota fría storm damage on major water infrastructures
The CHS repairs dams, reservoirs and river banks after the heaviest storm in Murcia for 50 years
It is now almost two months since the Region of Murcia was hit by widespread flooding in what has been described as the worst “gota fría” storm for 50 years, but the after-effects are still being felt and this week the CHS water infrastructures administration body has announced that 46.6 million euros are being spent on repairing damage caused by the prolonged torrential downpour.
Most of the work, which will be completed by early next year, consists of strengthening the banks of the River Segura while restoring them to their natural condition, clearing the “rambla” floodwater channels, repairing the water distribution canals which lead from the main Tajo-Segura supply canal and carrying out repairs at the dams and reservoirs of Santomera, Ojós, La Cierva and La Pedrera. The image shows the work at the distribution canal between Los Valientes and Campotéjar in Molina de Segura, which collapsed during the gota fría, sending such a large amount of water towards the reservoir of Santomera that the flood gates had to be opened in order to avoid the water level rising above the top of the dam.
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